1) How do I start chopping?

If you are using woodcoind you need to issue the command woodcoind setgenerate true

If you are using woodcoin-qt you need to navigate as follows:

Help –>  Debug Window –> Console tab

Then in the console type the command “setgenerate true” and press enter.

To check your woodcutting progress go to the same console and type “getmininginfo”.


Technical Details

Woodcoin is a public cryptocurrency like Bitcoin.  There are three major changes, with design considerations listed here:

1)  Proof of Work algorithm:  Double Skein

This is the first consensus network built solely with the skein hash function.  Read more about Skein here http://www.skein-hash.info/about.  We hope to encourage further use and testing of the Skein family with this coin.

2)  Elliptic curve for digital signatures:   X9_62_prime256v1.

To sign transactions and create public and private addresses we use the elliptic curve digital signature algorithm ECDSA just like bitcoin.  However we use a different curve as a basis to do so.  This curve is perhaps the most used in the financial industry.  Some people think it is better.  We like to encourage cryptographic diversity.

3)  Logarithmic coin release

Woodcoin is the first coin to use a logarithmic coin release.  The woodcutting reward is continually adjusted according to the harmonic series.   From /src/main.cpp:

int64 static GetBlockValue(int nHeight, int64 nFees) {
int64 nSubsidy = 1000000 * COIN;
if (nHeight<100) return 1*COIN;
else return nSubsidy/nHeight + nFees;

This leads to a total money supply S which increases logarithmically in block height n:

S = 1000000* ( log n + gamma )   –  forest

log = natural logarithm
gamma = euler-mascheroni constant
forest  =  5187377.51763962


Unlike Bitcoin and most other cryptocurrencies, the reward will never drop to zero and will smoothly decrease.  (Techinically it is scheduled to reach zero when the reward drops to under 1 satoshi but that isn’t for about 350 million years)  Here is a plot of the woodcutting reward per day, compared to bitcoin, for the next 50 years or so:



Other technical details of this coin:
Port: 8338  Testnet: 18338  Rpc: 9338  Rpc testnet: 19338
Speed: 2 min. blocks
Difficulty: 1 hr. adjust


Notable continued coin heritage: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Quarkcoin

Depricated heritage (release version): Cthulu’s Offerings, Foocoin/SmallChange




Reference client source tarball woodcoin.tgz



This repository contains two programs:

woodcoind –  command line daemon, wallet and woodcutter

woodcoin-qt –  graphical wallet and woodcutter


To build one or both of these tools you will need these dependencies or equivalent:

sudo apt-get install git build-essential libboost-all-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libdb5.1-dev libdb5.1++-dev qt-sdk libminiupnpc-dev

Get the source with this command:

git clone https://github.com/funkshelper/woodcoin.git

To build woodcoin-qt issue “qmake” and then “make“.  qt4 is required, on some systems you may need to issue “export QT_SELECT=qt4” to ensure the proper version is used.

To build woodcoind navigate to /src/ and issue make -f makefile.unix.

If you are using a backdoored operating system, it is highly recommended you consider moving to an open source platform for your computing environment.  However there are some builds provided by members of the community:

Alt-Coin-Services Windows Woodcoin Wallet Build Mar. 2015:

WillowRosenberg’s Windows Woodcoin Wallet Build woodcoin-qt Dec. 2014:
Tips: WTDXfMqvf1LvtiLURNie6vnxZjbhzEnjGH

SalimNagamato Windows Woodcoin Wallet Build woodcoin-qt:

Stuff0577 Apple (iOS) (Mac) Build Woodcoin Wallet woodcoin-qt:


Please report any issues with these builds to the bitcointalk forum.


A standalone cpu woodcutter has been relased by ocMiner



A Win64 Stand-alone woodcutter by Billotronic: