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Tired of mining?  Try woodcutting!logo2Woodcoin is a public digital currency and the unit of exchange is LOG

  • Woodcoin’s harmonic distribution is designed to more closely model renewable resources than nonrenewable.
  • The logarithmic money supply curve is designed for stability and longevity,  with the longest reward schedule of any other cryptocurrency.
  • It also features novel coin design in proof of work function (Pure Skein) and in digital signature keypairs (X9_62_prime256v1)

look, a scamcoin that’s not totally retarded from the get-go.
Mircea Popescu

It is recommended you have some familiarity with public digital currencies such as bitcoin before you get started.   Woodcoin is also inspired by timer based games such as Movoda, which are other places you can practice woodcutting AFK (away from keyboard).

When you are ready to use LOGs for trade or to start Woodcutting to help us secure the network and stack LOGs, click on Downloads and get some software so you can start chopping wood or whatever it is you do for LOG.

Assorted links:


Woodcoin whitepaper

Announcement and discussion at bitcointalk.org

Free LOG from a woodcoin faucet

A Block Explorer

logaddress.org (paper wallet generator and address manipulator)

Exchanges (LOG in to start trading)

Another woodcoin faucet (also another block explorer with statistics)

Github repositories


Here is a plot of the Daily rewards comparing BTC released per day to LOG released per day for the next  45 years.  For more on the economics of a logarithmically increasing money supply read the whitepaper.

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